Company Profile

PT PUNINAR MSE INDONESIA (formerly PT TAS PUNINAR EXPRESS INDONESIA) was established on January 5th, 2005.  We currently operate our office and warehouse facility at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, Indonesia, the main gateway for trade to Indonesia.

We are in the business of international and domestic freight forwarder, and value added logistics services.  Our vision is to become our customers’ strategic logistics partner that delivers value through world class services.  

Our missions are to exceed our customers’ expectation by providing/ obtaining high levels of customer satisfaction; to develop, maintain and improve operation excellence through “Lean” culture; to develop a learning organization and to add value for our stakeholders.

We provide services in customs clearance, warehousing, packaging, sea, air and land transport.  We take pride in what we do and continuously develop our team members’ knowledge and attitude as well as innovate our processes by utilizing information technology that has become a necessary tool for successful operational execution.

Thank you for your interest in our company and we are looking forward to be a part of your company’s successful growth.


Kurniadi Wibowo Soetopo, Vice President Director
M: +6288808607090

Contact Information:
1.      IDJKT Head Office
Foresta Business Loft 1 No.6,
Jl. BSD Raya Utama, Kec. Pagedangan,
Tangerang, Banten 15339, INDONESIA
P:  +6221 3041-PMID
F:  +6221 3042-PMID
2.      IDCGK Branch Office
Soewarna Business Park Block J Lot 2A,
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport,
Tangerang, Banten 15126, INDONESIA
P: +6221 5591-1500
F: +6221 5591-1515
For sales inquiry, please contact:
1.      Mrs. Daisy, Sales Administration Department Head
M: +6288808606043

2.      Mr. Edwin Massrie Gayo, Sales Department Head
M: +6288808606242

1 comment:


    General Trading, Export / Import & Jasa Customs Clearance Import

    Hal : Undername Import Jasa Custom Clearence ( All IN Borongan )

    Kepada Yth, Mr/Ms. Bag Import

    Perkenalkan kami PT.MURIA PANAH SAKTI adalah perusahaan Jasa Customs Import, International Sea and Freight Forwarding, sekaligus Specialist dalam bidang Jasa Customs Clearance Baik di via Bandara maupun Pelabuhan di seluruh Nusantara.

    Perusahaan kami bekerja sama dalam bidang Jasa sebagai berikut :

    1. Under name Import

    2. Borongan Import

    3. Custom Clearance

    4. By Air or Sea (Local and International)

    5. Untuk semua jenis barang termasuk Dangerous Cargo atau Personal

    6. Import mesin bekas / sudah terpakai.

    7. PI Kehutanan

    8. Logistik Udara ke seluruh indonesia

    Kami Mempunyai Lisensi Import diantaranya :

    - N I B / Memiliki 21 KBLI

    - N P W P

    - A P I-U


    - LS / SNI / Izin Import barang bukan baru

    Katagori barang Import yang kami miliki izin di SIUP & API-U :

    Garment/Silicon Paper/Paper Carbon/Wellpaper/Joss Paper/Sofa Bravo Chair/Official Furniture/Wood Cuboard/Pakaian Jadi, Sepatu/Alas Kaki,Mesin/Mesin Industri dan Spare Parts, Plastic/Fiber,Kurma,Alkes,

    Damkar, Truck/Alat Berat dan Spare Parts, Alat Transportasi Laut, Darat dan Udara, Peralatan Rumah Tangga,

    Bahan Kimia,

    Bahan Bangunan, Besi/Baja, Alat Tambang, Alat Laboratorium untuk pendidikan.

    - Khusus penawaran UNDERNAME bagi customer , yang belum memiliki izin import.

    - Undername kami memiliki Kuota Impor untuk Mesin-Mesin Bekas & Alat Berat Bekas.

    Kami mempunyai kuota untuk import mesin atau barang-barang bekas.

    Dan jika perusahaan anda mempunyai masalah dengan barang import tertahan di BC, kami juga siap membantu.

    Untuk project import partai besar anda bisa hubungi kontak kami untuk meeting terlebih dahulu agar kami bisa memberikan harga semurah mungkin. Kami siap menjadi mitra terpercaya yang memberikan pelayanan sesempurna mungkin dengan perusahaan anda.

    Demikianlah penawaran ini kami ajukan, atas perhatian dan kepercayaan yang diberikan kami ucapkan terimakasih.

    Best Regartds,



    Grand Galaxy City,

    Ruko Sentral Komersial RSK-5 No.62

    Jaka Setia,Bekasi-Selatan 17147

    Kota Bekasi

    Telp/Fax : +62 21 8274 5065

    Phone : 0852 1700 0230

    W.A : 0812 8015 9990

    Email :
